Dear Friends and Family,
It is with great excitement that we announce the launch of our new company and website – www.mlcFlatFeeRealty.com! Specializing in marketing and selling homes, MLC FlatFee Realty is a full service brokerage firm that strongly believes our home sellers should benefit most from the appreciation of their home. By offering our services for a FlatFee instead of commission percentage, our customers are able to sell their homes at a significant savings!
At MLC FlatFee Realty, our mission is to use technology and expertise in order to provide our customers with honest, professional full service residential real estate services…at the RIGHT price.
As friends and family, we want you to be the first to experience MLC FlatFee Realty and share in our excitement as we launch our new business. Please visit our website, review our listing packages and services, and forward our information to anyone looking to buy or sell real estate. Also, if you know anyone who might want to work with us as an agent, we are always looking to grow!